About Us

Eva Mrena

I am Eva Mrena, Holistic Therapist with over 20 years of experience, specialising energy healing. Reiki, Angel Healing Therapy, Access Bars, Soul Reading and work with beings of light.


I started my spiritual life around 16 years old when mum took me to a healer because I had back problem. I got massage and the healer gave me energy which I loved inmediately. I felt the huge difference after the session so I asked what was that. Of course it was Reiki, so I went to my very first course. I have since completed Bach-flower therapy, Parapsychology, Angelic Reiki, Symbology, Angel Healing Therapy, Access Bars, different Access Consciousness Body Proccesses and the Quantum Touch.


Now on I work with different energy modalities to facilitate your journey of life, and help to understand, release and lift up, show how to dealing with your life difficulties, that you can live a life what you realy wish to.


I love to work with children too, somehow I see them and they always open up for me easily probably because they sense my attitude that they are important and their problem  safe with me. My very first book has written to children to help them to understand their feeling, teach to decide, let go and acceptance with angels help.


I believe, there is more than what we see, feel or think we know. I believe all of us came to the Earth to enjoy our beautiful being and experience the joy of life. That is my passion to facilitate you to find your soul lead life and be happy.

Andrea Podhorsky

I am Andrea Podhorsky, an intuitive Energy and Holistic healing messenger who can help you to heal yourself if you choose it. I started my journey in 2018 with my first Access Bars treatment. It has changed my life and still does. I become a Reiki practitioner then continued to get new skills of healing, as Access Bars practitioner and Access Bars Consciousness body process practitioner.

I live in the UK for 13 years and currently I am working as a home carer at the private company. I am experiencing day to day illnesses in the old age and in the late stage and I got to the decision to find out about the core the first signs for the illnesses. I got more experience with mental health and dementia and I am supporting people with dementia and I got knowledge of learning disability and challenging behaviour experience and supporting them. I also supporting cancer patients. On that experience I also learned holistic treatments and herbalism to help people but not just to elderly people but everyone who is experienced or experiencing any kind of traumas, discomfort, break up, sadness, blockages in any part of life, stress emotional breakdown, overwhelm…in their life.

During my practice my clients experienced changes after the second or third treatment.

I also learned Indian head massage and back massage to relief pain in back area, shoulders and head.

My last studies was Quantum Touch which is working with your body to relief pain. It can help with Symptomatic relief in chronic pain.

You are energy. You are space. You are consciousness.

You are unique like no one else in the world.

What is possible for you?

Star Energy Healing

M-F: 10am – 8pm
Sat: 10am – 6pm
Sun: 10am – 4pm

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